GSIS Partners with STI for Nationwide Partial Scholarship Grants

May 29, 2019

To provide Filipino learners with access to quality education, STI has enhanced its partnership with the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) for the GSIS-STI Educational Assistance Program or GSIS-STI EAP.

Established in 2009, Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) members, pensioners, and their qualified dependents and relatives will be able to avail of a 20% partial scholarship grant in tuition fees (excluding other school and miscellaneous fees) in any STI campus nationwide.


GSIS-STI EAP Now Accommodates More Students

The enhanced GSIS-STI Educational Assistance Program is now open to qualified incoming grade 11, first year college, and freshman transferees in all academic programs for the School Year 2019-2020.

GSIS-STI scholars may retain their partial scholarship grant in their succeeding semesters provided they meet the performance requirements of the STI Scholarship Guidelines.

Enrolled students who have already enrolled shall be credited with their GSIS-STI EAP grant provided that their requirements will be verified by their school.

Interested applicants for the scholarship will need to present their family or relatives’ valid GSIS Unified Multipurpose ID (UMID) card to any STI Campus for verification in addition to the admission requirements.

The GSIS-STI EAP aims to make quality education more available to GSIS members, their dependents, and pensioners. The program is part of STI’s various scholarship programs to develop more college-ready, job-ready, and life-ready graduates in the nation.

Visit your preferred STI campus now to inquire about the GSIS-STI Educational Assistance Program.