Basic Netiquette for Online Education

October 21, 2020

Now that online learning is considered as the new normal in education, you will most likely communicate with your classmates and instructors through chats, emails, and phone and video calls.

Gear yourself up by being in the know about the proper online behavior! Listed below are essential netiquette or internet etiquette every online learner must follow.


1. Be respectful. 


Be mindful of the words you say and write online to avoid conflict and miscommunication. At the same time, be careful with your tone as it is easy for written text to be misread and misunderstood. Always respect the opinions of your classmates and professors. After all, respect begets respect.


2. Be careful with humor and sarcasm.


Are you the type of person who lights up the room with your amusing personality? Let your individuality shine as you deal with your online classes! Keep in mind that expressing humor and sarcasm online is challenging as it can easily be misinterpreted. Make sure that it is clear that you are being funny and not being rude. Use emojis to help you express your sense of humor. Be careful also of the jokes you communicate even in private groups as these can be screengrabbed and shared with the public. To avoid hurting other people’s feelings, refrain from making offensive jokes. Always think twice before you write.


3. Embrace professional demeanor and communication.


Keep it formal in an educational setting. Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization to appear more professional. This will also make your message readable and understandable. Be mindful of your writing style at all times.

Meanwhile, maintain a professional appearance during your online classes to show your dedication. Wear comfortable and appropriate clothes such as T-shirts, polo shirts, and sweatshirts. After all, it is still a professional setting even though you are studying within the comfort of your own home. Your instructors and classmates can likewise still see you during the entire online class session.


4. Provide factual information.


In today’s digital age, it cannot be denied that the internet provides individuals with a lot of information. This is the reason why you need to use and cite credible sources when sharing information with your classmates and instructors. Stick to official websites that are known for their credibility to avoid spreading misinformation.


5. Avoid posting or sharing inappropriate materials. 


Do you like expressing yourself online? Hold your horses, buddy! As much as you want to communicate your thoughts with others, it is best that you think first before posting or sharing something. Always remember that nothing is private on the internet so you need to be wary of your online behavior. Start embracing professionalism by being mindful of your actions. Refrain from sharing inappropriate and rude materials to establish a good reputation as early as now.


As the education system steadily adapts to the new normal, practicing the proper online behavior is essential to ensure that you will be able to conquer your distance learning. Now, get ready to ace your online classes with these tips!