How To Live Your Best Student Life

December 30, 2018

Put yourself out there.

Throw those preconceived notions of yourself and your abilities away. Every school year is a clean slate. You get numerous chances to reinvent yourself. Start by doing the things you weren’t sure you could do. Just go for it!

If you’re usually the quiet type in class, be the group leader or class representative for a change. Don’t shy away from responsibilities. It will help build your confidence and develop your leadership abilities.

Join competitions to see if you can hack it! Don’t limit yourself into one field. Remember that even if you don’t get it right the first time, it doesn’t mean you never will.

Have you seen ‘Uyat,’ STI West Negros University’s short video that became 2018 Director’s Cut Champion? The team consisting of Director John Henry Villegas and Editor Anthony Alontaga are BSIT students while their Scriptwriter Julius Andrada, Jr. is a BSOA student. Just goes to show that you shouldn’t restrict yourself to activities related to your field.

Find your people.

Extend your social circles outside of the classroom. Befriend students from different courses, join student orgs or better yet, start your own! You can help build each other up and achieve greater things as a team.


Get out of your comfort zone.

Look outside of yourself. Join outreach activities to broaden your horizons and gain a new perspective. There are certain experiences that you can only get from helping the community, joining a cause or advocacy, and being of service to others.


Be kind and patient with yourself.

You’re in the middle of transitioning from a teenager to a young adult and it can be overwhelming. Understand that you’re a work in progress. It’s perfectly normal to be anxious and unsure. Just don’t get stuck in there. Work through it and take breaks when you need it. Trust in the process and most importantly, learn from it. You’re not the only one going through this, so be kind to yourself and patient with your growth. Developing a keen sense of self-awareness and emotional maturity early on will help you cope with challenging times further in life.


The bottom line is don’t be afraid to try anything and everything! No matter what it is that you choose to do, give it your best effort. School is not just learning about your subjects but it’s also learning about yourself and what you can do. This is a time of adventure!

This is how you’ll live your best student life.